Help support a one-of-a-kind camp for environmental science and workforce development

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RENO, Nev. — Oct. 1, 2019 — We are delivering an innovative environmental science and workforce development camp for Grant Union High School’s GEO Academy’s students to explore career opportunities. This one-of-a-kind camp will directly connect eleventh graders with water and forestry industry representatives at a three-day camp in November. It will expose students to future careers where they’ll learn about internships and career pathways. Our partners are eager to hire for a variety of roles that support earning certificates to four-year degrees.

Please help us raise $10,000 to reach our goal to send 50 students to the science and workforce development camp at Sierra Nevada Journeys’ Grizzly Creek Ranch.

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For many of these students, the chance to aspire to a science-based or successful career can be difficult because 100 percent of the students taking part in the GEO Academy are considered low-income students — based on their eligibility for the Free or Reduced school lunch program. They need help and support if they are to be productive citizens of their community and go beyond the limitations of their environment.

To learn more or donate to the GEO Academy workforce development camp visit

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