Community Agreements - Toilet Paper Rolls

Discipline: Team Building and Community Agreements*
Age Range: 10+
Estimated Time: 20-30 minutes
What you need: Empty toilet paper rolls; scissors; string, tape or rubber bands; markers, pens, or paint and paintbrushes; stickers; and any additional art supplies you would like for decorating; and tape (optional)


*Community agreements are created as a way to establish a mutual understanding or make a set of expectations for all members of a community to abide by. They can be based on many things, such as how to support each community member and how to make everyone feel included. Please see What is a Community Agreement? blog post before starting this project.


1. Collect crafting materials and remove any excess toilet paper from rolls.


2. Use a different toilet paper roll and cut into segments — one segment for each community member. Feel free to use multiple rolls if you have a large community!


3. Give each community members their toilet paper roll segment. Have them add their name and decorate it to highlight their individuality within the community.


4. Designate one toilet paper roll for your community name and values. Collaborate with community members to decorate this community roll and add words or pictures that represent your agreement


7. Option A: Have an adult use scissors or another sharp object to poke small holes in the main roll and each individual’s segments. Pull string or other hanging material through the hole in the main roll and individual roll and tie a knot to secure the end.


Option B: Use tape or glue to attach string ends to the main roll and individual segments.


6. Enjoy your final product!

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