Sierra Nevada Journeys Connects Students to STEM Education: 2021 Community Report

Thousands of students connected to quality STEM education and hands-on field experiences through programs provided by outdoor education nonprofit Sierra Nevada Journeys in 2021, according to its recently released annual report.

Sierra Nevada Journeys, a 501(c)(3) organization that serves the Northern California and Northern Nevada regions, provides a range of science and leadership education opportunities for children and teens designed to meet state science standards and improve educational outcomes. Programs include classroom lessons that culminate into a field day at a nearby nature area; and an outdoor education camp at Grizzly Creek Ranch in Portola where youth explore ecosystems, chemistry, and biology while building critical thinking and collaboration skills.

“Sierra Nevada Journeys is committed to providing effective and memorable educational experiences to youth from underserved communities to ensure students from all backgrounds can receive STEM education; on average students receive less than three hours per week of science at the elementary school level,” says Sean Hill, CEO with Sierra Nevada Journeys. “Our programs have proven to increase test scores and provide strong educational outcomes for the students and schools who participate.”

Since 2020, Sierra Nevada Journeys has updated its programs to account for health and safety protocols. These changes have not deterred the organization from continuing to provide quality in-person and hybrid learning opportunities.

Sierra Nevada Journeys provided a positive impact on students in the Sacramento region in 2021 in a multitude of ways.

  • Through a collaboration with Black Youth Leadership Project and Square Root Academy, Sierra Nevada Journeys hosted a one-of-a-kind camp that focused on STEM, environmental education, leadership, and social justice principles. Hack the Woods Camp brought children and teens from the Sacramento area to Grizzly Creek Ranch for an exceptional experience thanks to a grant from the City of Sacramento Youth Development Office.

  • Launched ​​The Native Voices Project, a collaboration between Sierra Nevada Journeys, the Plumas County Office of Education, and the Mountain Maidu community in Plumas County. The project has developed new outdoor science learning experiences that incorporate the Maidu language and traditional ecological knowledge.

  • The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (Regional San) Confluence Program partnered with Sierra Nevada Journeys to serve 2,200 fifth-grade students through the Hands in the River program. The nonprofit also created a series of Virtual Classroom lessons that demonstrate “what happens after you flush in the wastewater treatment process.

  • About 7,500 students participated in Classrooms Unleashed, a multi-day, hands-on STEM program backwards designed from the Next Generation Science Standards. Students learn topics including ecosystems and environmental change, geologic change to the Earth’s crust, matter and engineering, plant biology, biomimicry, human impact and watershed health.

  • Launched Leadership on the Lawn, a social-emotional learning program that encourages empathy, communication, problem-solving skills, and teamwork.

  • Schools participating in the program reported that a higher percentage of students – by 6 percent – met or exceeded the standardized science test scores compared to students at schools without Sierra Nevada Journey’s programming.

  • Partnered with the Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows to provide after-school programming for Northern Nevada middle and high school students that focused on STEM exploration, social-emotional learning and outdoor experiences.

  • Through the support of donors, we were able to bring youth from Reno Housing Authority to Summer Camp and families came together and spent time outdoors at Family Camp.

  • Thanks to a grant awarded by Tesla, the third annual Girls in STEM Camp was held for young women from Nevada Title 1 schools. The STEM education camp included a star-studded lineup of industry guest speakers from across the region including experts from industries such as engineering, science research, hydrology, biomass, natural resource management, and conservation.

Sierra Nevada Journeys has plans to launch new education opportunities and initiatives, including a leadership camp for youth from underserved communities. This summer, the nonprofit will partner with area youth organizations to provide field trips where children explore local river ecosystems.

For more information on Sierra Nevada Journeys, check out its recently published annual report.

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